White Bitcoin (WBTC) History And Future


White Bitcoin (WBTC) is one of the latest cryptocurrencies which is rapidly gaining popularity as a strong investment tool for its traders to diversify their investments and gain maximize return.

Today we share light on the history of this innovative cryptocurrency to predict its future value. So, as we know all the cryptocurrencies are backed by blockchain technology, the most popular includes bitcoins, Ethereum, Ripple and White Bitcoin (WBTC).

White Bitcoin (WBTC) is a digital currency which is backed by bitcoins which is introduced to create liquidity in this decentralized crypto ecosystem.

These White Bitcoins (WBTC) were introduced on a crypto exchange website https://belpay.io/. White Bitcoin (WBTC) was launched in three phases, 1st was 14th February 2018 with the price of 0.14 USD, then with more demand, 2nd phase was started on 1st March 2018 to 31st March where the price rose to 0.20 USD and then as final phase more White Bitcoin (WBTC) were introduced on 1st April 2018 till 15th May at 0.28 USD. This planned launch was also one of reason for its success.

After successful ICO launched of White Bitcoin (WBTC) than 4 months on the portal, white bitcoin (WBTC) was successfully listed with https://belpay.io/ exchange with lifetime agreement.

There are many crypto-currencies launched around the world but only few remain as strong and continue to give high returns with the changing times. The reason for success of White Bitcoin (WBTC) was in its launch strategy. One of the strategies was to keep its initial market price stable. To do so, initially WBTC was launched with few restrictions. There was limit on its purchase, the buyers could only purchase 50$ worth White Bitcoin (WBTC), this was done so that more and more investors can buy and as all the investors hold a small percentage, their trading would not resulted in any major price fluctuation in the market price. Another was to assign a holding period of 120 days, so the buyers cannot sell the currency quickly. This was also done to keep the market price stable. And this is how https://belpay.io/ exchange handle the buyer and seller and price was managed easily.

Another strategy to keep the investors interested, so when the investors were planning to sell White Bitcoins, WBTC launched its VIP Affiliated wallet program and started offering 20% dividend on every referral.

So many investors become member of WBTC VIP affiliate program and start earning up to 20%, for holding White Bitcoin (WBTC) in their VIP blockchain wallet. This also resulted in gaining more investors for white bitcoins in https://belpay.io/ exchange and more user for VIP Blockchain wallet.

With many such initiates introduced by WBTC from time to time, White Bitcoin continue to gain popularity.

If the growth and ROI of White Bitcoins is compared with other cryptocurrencies, WBTC has a growth of 7times more than any other digital currency. And with gaining popularity and raising demand, WBTC will soon be introduced on more trading exchange which would further elevate its market price. So, all the new trader who wish to invest in cryptocurrency, White Bitcoin is a great option and now, would be the best time to buy it. White Bitcoin (WBTC) has already given best return till date, it has emerged as trustable investment tool for long term and even short-term investment.




Written by WhiteBitcoin (WBTC) CRYPTOCURRENCY

WhiteBitcoin, is a new worldwide payment system that allows decentralized digital currency transactions.These transactions are not controlled by a single admn

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